jade rubick

Tactical advice for building effective eng teams, anti-patterns to avoid (Snack bites podcast)


Shomik Ghosh, Partner at Boldstart Ventures, interviewed me for the Software Snack Bites podcast. One founder described said, “this was fire” 🔥.

I was really happy with the interview. The main theme was what are the things that startups struggle with as they grow. It’s worth listening to if you’re interested in these topics:

  • Common anti-patterns in engineering teams
  • How teams can better communicate
  • What hiring practices work well
  • How to think about structuring career paths
  • How to adjust to the “do more with less” environment today.
  • What common advice do I give after seeing 23+ startups?

As Shomik put it: “For anyone interested in learning how to run effective eng orgs, this is the episode for you.”

You can find the episode here. And it’s on Apple and Spotify.

Thank you

Shomik Ghosh was a fabulous interviewer. Really appreciated the care he put into every part of the interview. The prep was meticulous, the questions were thoughtful, and the editing and promotion afterwards was quite well done.

Image by Positive_Images from Pixabay

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